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John McCain, bei seinen MEK Terroristen in Tirana : Sen. John McCain meets with Iranian dissidents relocated to Albania

Zalmay Khalilzad
Sondergesandter für islamischen Terror
Zusammengestellt und kommentiert von Jared Israel
[1. März 2003]

Direkte US und Deutsche Partner, welche man gekauft hat. Direkte IS Partner: ISIS supporter Maryam Rajavi attacks Obama from French parliament

Sen. John McCain meets with Iranian dissidents relocated to Albania

Bildergebnis für john mccain syrien

Bildergebnis für john mccain syrien

by Daniel Chaitin John McCain: Iran is not a ‚force for good‘
Washington ExaminerImage result for John mccain iranian tirana
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., met with a group representing Iranian dissidents in Albania on Friday.Speaking to members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, the largest of five organizations in the National Council of Resistance of Iran, at their headquarters in Tirana, McCain spoke about his opposition to the Iranian regime. „Someday, Iran will be free. Someday, we will all gather in that square,“ McCain said.He also congratulated members of the group for successfully relocating to Albania from Iraq where they had been subject to attacks from militias backed by Iran.“There is no doubt that the people in this room have suffered,“ McCain told the gathering, also attended by Maryam Rajavi, the group’s president-elect. „They have suffered not only themselves but in the loss of their loved ones because of the Iranian tyranny, and I express my condolences to everyone in this room who has lost a loved one as a result of the Iranian tyranny and terrorism.“


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Erbaut von Israel zwischen 2013 und 2015 in der Nähe von Tirana, ist die geheime Stadt Manza in Albanien die Militärbasis der Mudschahiddin des Volkes.

After the event, McCain met separately with Rajavi, the group said.

McCain has spent the first week of the congressional recess traveling across Eastern Europe. He’s made stops in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro.

His office did not immediately return a request for comment on his visit to Albania.

The dissident group, also known as the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, has revealed information on Iran’s nuclear and terror activities over the years.

The MEK says 140 MEK members were killed in seven attacks on Camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq by the Iranian regime, the Iraqi army and the pro-regime Iraqi terrorist militias.

In 2004, following the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the MEK residing at Camp Asraf handed over their weapons and submitted to U.S. military protection. This was after the U.S. reportedly bombed the encampment as part of a deal with Iran, which promised to repatriate some members of al Qaeda if the U.S. attacked the MEK. The U.S. handed over responsibility to protect the dissidents to the Iraqi government in 2009, which moved the group to Camp Liberty in 2012.

After Camp Liberty was repeatedly attacked, the MEK appealed to the United Nations to allow them to return to Camp Asraf, which they said provided better protection. The U.N. High Commission for Refugees and the U.S. supported an effort to move Camp Liberty residents out of Iraq and Albania had offered to take the refugees in.

The last remaining members of the group departed Camp Liberty and were resettled in September.

The U.S. had listed the MEK as a terrorist organization for past alleged attacks on Americans, for which MEK has denied having any role. One senior official in the Clinton administration described the designation as a gesture of goodwill to then-Iranian president Mohammad Khatami. The MEK was removed from the list in 2012.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to better describe the structure of the MEK and to correct the original version which incorrectly said the last remaining members of the group departed Camp Liberty and were resettled in August.

US Terroristen Financiers: john McCain: 14. April 2017 Tirana

The MEK’s list of advocates, most who have admitted being paid, includes Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, former Sen. Robert Torricelli, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, former CIA Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations John Sano, former National Security Advisor James Jones, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Richard Myers, former White House Chief of Staff Andy Card, Gen. Wesley Clark, former Rep. Lee Hamilton, former CIA Director Porter Goss, senior advisor to the Romney campaign Mitchell Reiss, Gen. Anthony Zinni, former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, former Sen. Evan Bayh, and many others.


European MEK Supporters Downplay ISIS Role in Iraq (aka Mojahedin Khalq, MKO, NCRI, Rajavi cult)

Paulo Casaca Struan Stevenson Alejo Vidal-Quadras - Rajavi cult

Paulo Casaca Struan Stevenson Alejo Vidal-Quadras - Rajavi cult

Link to the source

European MEK Supporters Downplay ISIS Role in Iraq (aka Mojahedin Khalq, MKO, NCRI, Rajavi cult)

While the world watched in horror as jihadist extremists from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) seized the Iraqi city of Mosul, some members of the European Parliament (MEPs) claimed that these actions were not carried out by ISIS, but were “part of a popular uprising” against Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

At the same time that ISIS was reportedly committing mass executions in Mosul, these MEPs “disputed” that Mosul and Tikrit had been taken by ISIS, and announced the creation of the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA), a “new NGO with the mission of improving the political and human rights situation in Iraq.”

The comments were made at a June 11 press conference in Brussels, according to a press release for the event.

The ousting of Maliki and the “complete eviction of the Iranian regime from Iraq” are the group’s primary goals, according to the press release of the EIFA, which has no website other than a Facebook page that was created on May 6.

There is no shortage of people arguing that Iran holds excessive influence over Iraq and that Maliki has aggravated many of Iraq’s problems, so why did these MEPs resort to downplaying the horrors of ISIS’ actions in calling for an end to Tehran’s hold on Baghdad?

A clue appears in the EIFA’s emphasis on the security situations of Camps Ashraf and Liberty.

Camp Ashraf became the Iraqi base of the exiled Iranian dissident organization, the Mujahedin-e Khalq, (aka MEK, MKO, PMOI and NCRI), in the 1980s after its exodus from the Islamic Republic following a power struggle and violent regime-orchestrated persecution.

The MEK, frequently described as a “cult”, was classified as a terrorist organization by the EU until 2009 and by the US until 2012, and has been accused of human rights abuses.

Despite its expensive claims to the contrary (MEK op-eds and advertisements regularly appear in Western media outlets), the NCRI, the MEK’s “parliament-in-exile” and political wing, has no popular support in Iran. In fact, the MEK sided with Saddam Hussein during the 1981-88 Iran-Iraq war and even attempted to take Iranian territory. The vast majority of Iranians inside Iran either consider the group insignificant or harmful to reformist efforts. The MEK is also despised by many Iraqis for its role in crushing Shia and Kurdish uprisings against Saddam’s dictatorial rule. Yet thanks to well-funded lobbying and advocacy efforts, the MEK has still been endorsed by some Western politicians in the US and Europe as a legitimate Iranian opposition movement.

(Saddam used Rajavi in the massacar of Iraqi Kurds)

(Izzat Ebrahim and Massoud Rajavi still at large)

Also read:

Rajavi/ Saddamists stranded by European Parliament losses

IRAK und die Volksmudschahedin (Mujahedeen e-Khalq – MEK) Terroristen

Februar 8, 2012

Alte Partner: Die USA und die Terror Organisation: Volksmudschahedin (Mujahedeen e-Khalq – MEK), identisch wie die UCK – KLA Banditen im Kosovo und der Drogen schmuggel.

Hähnchenflügelknappheit in der Mega-Botschaft

Thomas Pany 08.02.2012

Großes Downsizing in der gigantischen US-Botschaft im Irak und die Frage, was die Amerikaner im Irak erreicht haben

Neulich im Irak, Bagdad, Botschaft der USA: Der Chicken-Wings-Nachschub funktioniert nicht mehr und die Flügelchen wurden auf sechs pro Person rationiert und das zur das zur Chicken-Wings-Night! Das Buffet war schnell leer und ist nie mehr richtig voll, Kaffee musste ungesüßt, ohne Zucker oder Süßstoff getrunken werden.

Seit Abzug der US-Truppen stockt die Lebensmittelversorgung für die 750 Millionen teure amerikanische Botschaft in Bagdad. Die Konvois aus Kuweit haben keinen Truppen-Begleitschutz mehr und verspäten sich, weil sie nun die Erfahrung machen, dass der arabische Grenzverkehr in großem Stil betreibt, was hierzulande zum Life-Style-Zauberwort geworden ist: Entschleunigung. Man sei aufgefordert, plötzlich eine Menge an Papieren vorzulegen, ganz anders als gewohnt. Das Resultat: Frust über irakischen „obstructionism“, wie in der New Times zu lesen ist.

  1. pantrone
    März 21, 2019 um 3:01 pm

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    „Spygate“-Skandal: Die unrühmliche Rolle des bei uns gefeierten Senators John McCain

    Von Gastautor Jeff Carlson Epoch Times USA21. März 2019 Aktualisiert: 21. März 2019 9:56

    Der 2018 verstorbene republikanische Senator John McCain, ein ausgewiesener Trump-Gegner, hatte maßgeblichen Anteil an der Verbreitung des Steele-Dossiers. Die inzwischen freigegebene Aussage eines engen Mitarbeiters McCains enthüllt zahlreiche Details. McCain selbst verneinte immer, Informationen an die Medien weitergegeben zu haben. Dafür benutzte er seinen Mitarbeiter David Kramer.

    John McCain, im August 2018 verstorbener, republikanischer Senator von Arizona. Als starker Trumpgegner versuchte er, mithilfe des Steele-Dossiers, die Präsidentschaft Donald Trumps von vornherein zu verhindern.Foto: Alex Wong/Getty Images

    David Kramer, ein langjähriger Mitarbeiter des 2018 verstorbenen Senators John McCain, enthüllte in einer entsiegelten Erklärung, dass er Kontakt zu mindestens 14 Medienvertretern bezüglich des Steele-Dossiers hatte. Das Steele-Dossier ist eine Sammlung von 17 Memos mit nicht bestätigten Anschuldigungen gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump.

    Darüber hinaus übergab Kramer eine vollständige Kopie des nicht verifizierten Dossiers an die damalige Leiterin des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates, Abteilung Russland, Celeste Wallander, an den republikanischen Abgeordneten Adam Kinzinger und an den damaligen Stabschef von Paul Ryan, dem Sprecher des US-Repräsentantenhauses. Kramer informierte Anfang Dezember 2016 sowohl Wallander als auch Victoria Nuland, damals stellvertretende Staatssekretärin für Europa und eurasische Angelegenheiten, über das Dossier.

    Kramer informierte auch fortlaufend den Mitbegründer von Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, den ehemaligen MI6-Spion und Dossierautor Christopher Steele sowie andere Medienvertreter über McCains Treffen mit dem damaligen FBI-Direktor James Comey.

    Steele war von Simpson im Auftrag der Clinton-Kampagne und des Democratic National Committee (DNC) mit der Produktion des sogenannten Steele-Dossiers über Trump beauftragt worden.

    Kramer bestätigte in seiner Aussage, dass er die Quelle von BuzzFeed News in dem Dossier war. BuzzFeed veröffentlichte das Dossier im Januar 2017 online, was zu einer Diffamierungsklage von Aleksej Gubarev führte, dessen Firma XBT/Webzilla im Dossier erwähnt wurde. Die Epoch Times berichtete über den Gerichtsprozess in einem früheren Artikel.

    McCain leugnete bekanntlich, dass er jemals eine Kopie des Dossiers für BuzzFeed zur Verfügung gestellt hätte und sagte dem „Daily Caller“ am 18. Oktober 2017: „Ich gab es niemandem außer dem Direktor des FBI. Ich weiß nicht, warum Sie das jetzt ausgraben.“

    Kramer, der ein Affiliate Senior Fellow am McCain Institute ist, enthüllte in seiner Aussage, dass er in Kontakt mit 14 Journalisten und News-Produzenten über das Dossier gestanden hatte. Diese Kontakte umfassten:

    ABC-News:: Brian Ross, Matt Mosk
    BuzzFeed: Ken Bensinger
    CNN: Carl Bernstein
    The Guardian: Julian Borger
    McClatchy: Peter Stone, Greg Gordon
    Mother Jones: David Corn
    NPR: Bob Little, Rachel Martin
    Die Washington Post: Tom Hamburger, Rosalind Helderman, Fred Hiatt
    Das Wall Street Journal: Allan Cullison


  2. infomarinadurrescom
    Dezember 23, 2023 um 5:06 pm

  1. Juli 11, 2018 um 3:17 pm

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