Startseite > Europa > CIA, PKK, Frank Wisner, John Negroponte: World enemys Nr. 1

CIA, PKK, Frank Wisner, John Negroponte: World enemys Nr. 1

Monday, July 28, 2008

Frank Wisner, and John Negroponte: World drug and terror Gangster Nr. !

The CIA, working with the PKK and others, to topple the Turkish government?

The CIA and its friends appear to be trying to topple the Turkish government.

1. At Global Research, 21 July 2008, (Operation Gladio: CIA Network of „Stay Behind“ Secret Armies) Andrew G marshall wrote:

„Through NATO… the CIA set up a network of stay behind ’secret armies‘ which were responsible for dozens of terrorist atrocities across Western Europe over decades…

„In Turkey in 1960, NATO’s stay behind army, working with the army, staged a coup d’état and killed Prime Minister Adnan Menderes…

In 1971 in Turkey, after a military coup, the stay-behind army engaged in “domestic terror” and killed hundreds.

In 1980 in Turkey, the head of the stay behind army staged a coup and took power.

2. Turkey is home to a variety of militants (Turkey Blames Kurdish Rebels For Istanbul Blasts That Killed 17 ), including:

1. Kurdish rebels,

2. Islamic extremists

3. and a ‚fascist‘ group called Ergenekon, reportedly linked to the military and to the security services of the West.

An Istanbul court plans to try 86 people, including former army officers, accused of plotting to provoke an armed uprising with the aim of bringing down Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government.

Ergenekon may be allied with some of the Islamists. (In Turkey, the fascist generals are in bed with the Islamists?)

Ergenekon may also be allied to the Kurdish PKK.

3. Daniel Neun, on 28 July 2008, at Radio Utopie, (Operation Nabucco II: Turkey Under Radar Of Ergenekon And Oil War …) wrote about Turkey, terrorism, and the oil war.

He makes the following points:


US DELTA Force (auch in Nord Albanien), Green Berets, bildeten die Mörder aus und organisierten die Morde, oft vor einer US Kongreß Anhörung, wenn es um das Geld ging, wurden Anschläge geplant und organisiert. Dann wurde das der Guerilla angedichtet. Drogenhandel wurde von diesen Leuten organisiert.

Ehemaliger DEA-Agent über den Krieg gegen die Drogen

John Negroponte, sehr aktiv in diesen Mord Sachen unterwegs. Morde vor den Kindern, inklusive Folter der Eltern, wurde direkt von Bush genehmigt.

Gelder aus diesem Handel, inklusive Waffenhandel, wurde auf Bankkonto der Verwandten eingezahlt. Damit werden die Kassen der US Banken gefüllt und von Politikern wie Bill Clinton

Kategorien:Europa Schlagwörter: , , ,
  1. edi
    März 27, 2011 um 9:48 am

    Die Verbrecher Organisation NATO, hat jede Moral verloren, was aber 1999 schon bekannt war, als man mit Krieg ein neues Geschäftsfeld eröffnete.

    Rassismus-Skandal: australische Soldaten über Afghanen auf Facebook

    Von petrapez | 27.März 2011

    Nazis in der australischen Armee im Afghanistaneinsatz und erneut “versehentlich” getötete Familien mit Kinder am Freitag in Helmand durch mörderischen ISAF-Anschlag

    Während die australische Regierung mit offiziellen Erklärungen ihre intensive Beteiligung an dem Krieg in Afghanistan schönzureden versucht (Australia’s role in Afghanistan), sind im Netz auf Facebook private Videoaufnahmen von Einsätzen australischer Soldaten gegen afghanische Bürger aufgetaucht, die dort von Kommentaren begleitet wurden, die weit unter die Gürtellinie zielen und bar jeder Moral und Anstandes sind.

    siehe auch Libyen, wo man gezielt erneut wie im Kosovo Zivile Ziele angreift.

  2. amor
    Mai 10, 2011 um 11:01 am

    Schutz für die Drogen Produktion im Kosovo! Nichts Neues!

    Heroin Production Facilities Flourish in Kosovo Area Under US Military Protection

    Published on October 25, 2005, Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily

    Category: Islamic Terror in Kosovo

    Exclusive. From GIS Station Priština. Three major heroin production laboratories, run by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA/UCK: Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosove), are operating within the Urosevac [Lat. 42.38°N, Long. 21.17°E] area of the Serbian province of Kosovo which is under the control of US Army units operating from Camp Bondsteel. The US authorities operating in the area have specifically protected the laboratories from inspection by other NATO forces in the area, and there is evidence that, over a period of years, US military and possibly intelligence elements have actively engaged in commercial and/or support relations with the narco-traffickers involved with the heroin laboratories.

    Very well-placed GIS sources said that, essentially since the withdrawal of Serbian Government control over its Kosovo province, there has been an increasing amount of opium grown in the area, and this is a major supply source for the heroin laboratories, although it is understood that some raw opium may also be fed into the laboratories from, or via, Turkey (possibly including some raw opium from Afghanistan). Albanian “mafia” control of the heroin trade in Western Europe is now well-documented.

    [In Turkey, it is not illegal to grow opium, and, as well, there is a growing production of opium in Iraqi Kurdish areas; these production areas are also believed to support the heroin laboratories in the Urosevac area.]

    Very senior sources within NATO governments have confirmed that the US military command in the Urosevac area has instructed other foreign forces, serving alongside the US in the NATO peacekeeping operations, to avoid certain areas where the processing laboratories function, repeating the warnings of the KLA combatants in the area that the land is mined. The determination of the KLA to defend these facilities is now well-known locally. A Russian unit, some three or four years ago, engaged the KLA in a firefight in the area, at night, after which the KLA forces were sufficiently strong and well-armed that they surrounded the Russian camp and essentially prevented the Russian forces from leaving their camp.

  3. amor
    Mai 10, 2011 um 11:02 am

    Heroin Production Facilities Flourish in Kosovo Area Under US Military Protection

    Published on October 25, 2005, Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily

    Category: Islamic Terror in Kosovo

    Exclusive. From GIS Station Priština. Three major heroin production laboratories, run by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA/UCK: Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosove), are operating within the Urosevac [Lat. 42.38°N, Long. 21.17°E] area of the Serbian province of Kosovo which is under the control of US Army units operating from Camp Bondsteel. The US authorities operating in the area have specifically protected the laboratories from inspection by other NATO forces in the area, and there is evidence that, over a period of years, US military and possibly intelligence elements have actively engaged in commercial and/or support relations with the narco-traffickers involved with the heroin laboratories.

    Very well-placed GIS sources said that, essentially since the withdrawal of Serbian Government control over its Kosovo province, there has been an increasing amount of opium grown in the area, and this is a major supply source for the heroin laboratories, although it is understood that some raw opium may also be fed into the laboratories from, or via, Turkey (possibly including some raw opium from Afghanistan). Albanian “mafia” control of the heroin trade in Western Europe is now well-documented.

    [In Turkey, it is not illegal to grow opium, and, as well, there is a growing production of opium in Iraqi Kurdish areas; these production areas are also believed to support the heroin laboratories in the Urosevac area.]

    Very senior sources within NATO governments have confirmed that the US military command in the Urosevac area has instructed other foreign forces, serving alongside the US in the NATO peacekeeping operations, to avoid certain areas where the processing laboratories function, repeating the warnings of the KLA combatants in the area that the land is mined. The determination of the KLA to defend these facilities is now well-known locally. A Russian unit, some three or four years ago, engaged the KLA in a firefight in the area, at night, after which the KLA forces were sufficiently strong and well-armed that they surrounded the Russian camp and essentially prevented the Russian forces from leaving their camp.

  4. balkansurfer
    Oktober 13, 2011 um 5:51 pm

    Frank Wisner, ist auch bei den NAAC Lobby Dinnern eingeladen, was bei so einer erfolgreichen Drogen Verbindung, normal ist. ab 2:16

  5. nero
    Oktober 17, 2011 um 8:01 pm

    viele Fakten und unterlinks

    C.I.A. & DRUGS

  6. agron
    November 30, 2011 um 6:55 pm

    Richard C. Holbrooke, Wesley Clark und der Aufbau der Terroristen Organisation UCK – KLA
    by balkansurfer

    2 Votes

    Es gibt ja Fotos auch von Wesley Clark und Holbrook mit den übelsten US Waffen Financiers mit UCK Terroristen und zwar vor 1999! Die US Verbrecher der übelsten Sorte mit einem UCK Terroristen. Aber die Kosovaren erzählen im übrigen auch noch folgedende Story, das bereits ab 1994, Kosovaren in den USA, direkt von Wesley Clark empfangen wurden und Militärisch ausgebildet wurden. ab 1994 und das als NATO General. siehe der durch geknallte General Klaus Naumann, der sein Hitler Gedanken Gut im Balkan zelebrieren durfte.

    Richard C. Holbrooke, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on the left, joking around with weapons smuggler Florin Krasniqi and Wesley Clark at a John Kerry fundraiser. (Source: Serbianna, where the video can be accessed from the front page.)

    aus BF

    – die Wertungen der DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) der USA besagen, daß es sich bei der UCK um die kriminellste Drogenbande Europas handelt !!!!(, sowie sowie sowie sowie
    – der Verfassungsschutzbericht 1997 (Ausgabe Frühjahr 1998, also wenige Monate vor Beginn der Verhandlungen u.a. Joschka Fischers in Rambouillet) wertet die UCK-Aktionen als „terroristisch“ (
    – die Vizepräsidentin des deutschen Bundestages fragte am 15.08.99: „Völlig unverständlich wurde dagegen von Richard Holbroke und anderen westlichen Diplomaten im Jahre ’98 eine Gruppierung in die diplomatischen Gespräche eingeführt, die sich seit 1997 ausgerechnet durch Attentate gegen serbische Repräsentanten hervorgetan hatte: die UCK, eine linke Gruppierung, die ausschließlich mit Gewalttaten agierte. Warum das geschah, warum die UCK in Rambouillet eine so wichtige und Rugova nur noch eine Randbedeutung hatte, das sind offene Fragen, die einmal beantwortet werden müssen.“ (Frankfurter Rundschau vom 23.08.99)
    – die „Sunday Times“ schrieb am 12. März 2000: „When the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which co-ordinated the monitoring, left Kosovo a week before airstrikes began a year ago, many of its satellite telephones and global positioning systems were secretly handed to the KLA, ensuring that guerrilla commanders could stay in touch with Nato and Washington. Several KLA leaders had the mobile phone number of General Wesley Clark, the Nato commander.“
    – weitere Informationen siehe:

  7. zuma
    Januar 14, 2012 um 6:14 pm

    Nr. 3: Zalmay Khalilzad

    Russia rejects revised Kosovo draft


    Western nations circulated a new draft resolution on Kosovo’s future Thursday, saying they want the UN Security Council to vote on it next week. But Russia immediately rejected the document and suggested it might exercise its veto power.

    (Reuters – 01/06/07; AFP, AP, DPA, BBC, Xinhua – 31/05/07)

    US Ambassador to the UN Zalmay Khalilzad said “there were changes, but the essential part of the resolution still calls for Kosovo entering a new phase in its road towards independence.“….

  8. agron
    Oktober 25, 2015 um 5:40 pm

    Die Bankkonten des Negroponte wurden in Wien beschlagnahmt, wegen GEldwäsche

  1. Februar 8, 2011 um 11:59 am
  2. Februar 11, 2011 um 4:51 pm
  3. Februar 12, 2011 um 9:45 am
  4. März 21, 2011 um 6:57 am
  5. April 15, 2011 um 4:18 pm
  6. August 18, 2011 um 12:57 pm
  7. August 18, 2011 um 6:00 pm
  8. September 20, 2011 um 8:45 am
  9. September 24, 2011 um 10:03 am
  10. Oktober 1, 2011 um 10:52 am
  11. Oktober 12, 2011 um 6:44 pm
  12. Oktober 27, 2011 um 2:35 pm
  13. November 27, 2011 um 10:33 am
  14. November 29, 2011 um 7:30 pm
  15. April 27, 2012 um 7:29 pm
  16. Juli 16, 2012 um 12:02 pm

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